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Scholarships and awards at our college represent opportunities for recognition and support, celebrating academic excellence, leadership, and unique talents within our student community. These merit-based distinctions are designed to alleviate the financial burden of education and empower deserving individuals to pursue their academic goals. Whether acknowledging outstanding achievements in specific fields, promoting diversity, or fostering community engagement, our scholarships and awards aim to inspire and reward the dedication and potential of our students, contributing to a vibrant and thriving learning environment.

Deserving students can enjoy various Central and State Government Scholarships such as National Merit Scholarship, State Merit Scholarship, Scholarship to char area students and ITDP sponsored SC/ST/OBC/MOBC /Minorities Scholarship. Meritorious students are encouraged to grab the benefit of Ishan Uday Scholarship scheme of UGC from which many students have been benefited since its inception. The poor students can also enjoy BPL scholarship from the Govt. The scholarship holders must have 75% attendance.